Video The Enjoyable Moments
Our friendly creative videographers have been capturing school balls and corporate events for quite sometime! We guaranteed to capture all those memorable moments at your formal event, awards evening and product launches in full 1080P HD to 8K recording. Our videographer service prices range from $900 to $3500 with fully edited Youtube and Vimeo ready productions, we supply you directly with a variety of formats to suit your requirements.
Videography FOR School Balls
We Create 3 to 4 minute highlight Videos of Your School Ball.
Our videographers will capture many memorable moments of your school ball beginning when students arrive in their fancy cars, trucks and limos right through to the fun and dancing. Our videography prices range from $900 to $1500 but check out our school ball dj packages you maybe pleasantly surprised!

Capture All That is Important with our Videographer For Your Gala Awards, Product Launches or Presentations
- Friendly Staff
- Choose One or Two Videographers
- Full HD 1080P to 8K Recording
- High Quality Audio or Music Soundtrack
- In House Production Video Editing

Check out One Of Our Video Productions For VCE
Videographer hire services for corporate events range in price from $900 to $3500 and include On-site capture to a fully edited HD video supplied post event to you in any format that suits you.